Folks, the weather is not working with us. All of our potential sites will not have enough terrain open this weekend to host an event. We will push back to March 19th and try again.
NYSSRA Ski-O Championship postponed
Due to the recent rains and high winds, the local areas will freeze up hard before the weekend. They don’t think they will be able to groom most of their trails by the weekend so we will postpone until the next weekend or the next after that if possible. Pray for snow.
NYSSRA Championships update
Due to the upcoming weather and Jr. Nationals at Mt. Van Hoevenberg the management will not allow any outside groups to race next weekend. We are considering our options. Stay tuned and remain flexible.
NYSSRA Championships
We are looking to hold our championship at the same venue as the nordic events, Mt. Van Hoevenberg/Cascade. Dates are March 4&5. More information to follow.
Cumming Nature Center 2/19 – map and course notes
Map and course notes available here:
Cumming Nature Center 2/19 – update
On Sunday, February 19th the Rochester Orienteering Club and the Cumming Nature Center will co-sponsor a “try orienteering “ event at the Cumming Nature Center near Naples, New York. (It does not count towards the NYSSRA ski-o points series.) Participants will receive a map with circles representing control points drawn on the the map. They (read more)
Pineridge 2/18 – more info
From Phil Hawkes-Teeter, course setter, about skating at Pineridge: I can only tell you what I experienced on Saturday, and point to what is on the Pineridge “Conditions” page. Yes, the solid green lines are supposed to be skateable, and those trails are wide enough to be skated; but that doesn’t necessarily mean they will (read more)
Pineridge 2/18 – ON! (pretty sure)
From Phil Hawkes-Teeter, course setter: I finished setting the courses at Pineridge yesterday (Saturday), skiing on great snow. Today (Sunday) we are living in a blizzard. The week ahead appears to hold temperatures at or below freezing, with some possible snow showers. In other words, the skiing is/will-almost-certainly-be: fantastic. This is the best skiing we (read more)
Webster Park 2/11 – ON!!!
Ski quick before the snow melts! From Doug Hall, course setter: Yes. Plan B for the Ski-O is … a Ski-O! Webster is receiving significant lake effect snow. I haven’t been over to the park yet today, but based on accumulation in the neighborhood, it looks very promising for skiing everywhere in the park. It (read more)
Sprague Brook 2/12 – CANCELLED
From the meet director: Because of the rain yesterday and more forecasted for the weekend the ski o is cancelled for 2017.